AHCWA’s work is generously supported by the following partnerships. We, and our Member Services, extend our deepest thanks to these companies for their ongoing support.
AHCWA Partnerships
Funding Partners

The Australian Government Department of Health works with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure better health for all Australians. It develops and delivers policies and programs and advises the Australian Government on health and aged care.

The Government of Western Australia Department of Health is Western Australia’s public health system. It operates hospitals, health services and public health programs to ensure Western Australians enjoy a standard of health that is among the highest in the world.

The Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission works to establish mental health, alcohol and other drug systems that meet the needs of Western Australia’s population and deliver quality outcomes for individuals and their families.

The Department of Communities works collaboratively with partners across government and the community services sector to deliver disability services, child protection and family support, housing, and community and regional initiatives.

The WA Primary Health Alliance builds and strengthens primary health care in Western Australia, so people can access the services they need closer to home.

Lotterywest is a Western Australian Government owned and operated lottery committed to serving the community of Western Australia through impactful community grants.

The Australian Digital Health Agency is the Australian Government statutory agency responsible for My Health Record, Australia’s digital prescriptions and health referral system, and other ‘eHealth’ programs under the national digital health strategy.

The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is the national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia. NACCHO provides advice and guidance to the Australian Government on policy and budget matters and advocates for community-developed solutions that contribute to the quality of life and improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Philanthropic Partners

BHP is an Australian multinational mining, metals and petroleum public company. The BHP Vital Resources fund supports the response and recovery efforts of communities in BHP’s areas of operation facing significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Johnson & Johnson – Family of Companies is an American multinational corporation founded in 1886 that develops medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and consumer packaged goods.

The Paul Ramsay Foundation works to break cycles of disadvantage in Australia by investing in partnerships for potential.

King and Wood Mallesons is an international law firm committed to creating a sustained, long-term and significant impact for communities.
Collaborative Partners

WACOSS is the peak body for the Western Australian community service sector. It works to drive social change with communities, through collective action and policy formulation, strengthening community services and influencing decision makers to ensure justice and equity.

Sexual Health Quarters is an independent, non-profit organisation providing specialised services in sexual health and relationship wellbeing for all.

Diabetes WA is a not-for-profit, member based organisation that works to educate, inform and support people at risk of, living with and affected by diabetes.

Hepatitis WA is a Western Australian not-for-profit organisation working to provide services and empower those affected by and living with viral hepatitis.

The Western Australian AIDS Council is a non-profit organisation providing a wide range of sexual health and support services throughout Western Australia.

Northern Star Resources Limited is an Australian gold mining company with operations in Western Australia and Alaska.