Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), supported by the Aboriginal Health Council of WA (AHCWA), provide holistic and culturally appropriate healthcare to Aboriginal communities across Western Australia (WA). These ACCHS offer comprehensive primary health care. Below, you will find region-specific ACCHS highlighting vital healthcare options available throughout WA.
Services for Aboriginal Communities in Western Australia
Service | Description | Website |
Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service | Provides primary healthcare services, including general medical care, mental health support, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal people in Kununurra. | https://ovahs.org.au/ |
Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation | Offers community wellness services, focusing on domestic violence counselling and addiction support. | https://www.naac.org.au/ |
Yura Yungi Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation | Delivers healthcare services such as general practice, maternal and child health, and mental health support for the Aboriginal community in Halls Creek. | https://kams.org.au/about-us/our-members/ |
Nirrumbuk Environmental Health and Services | Provides environmental health services alongside primary healthcare, focusing on creating a healthy living environment for Aboriginal communities in Broome. | https://nirrumbuk.org.au/ |
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd | Offers holistic primary healthcare services, maternal and child health programs, mental health support, and chronic disease management throughout the Kimberley region. | https://kams.org.au/ |
Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service | Culturally safe healthcare services such as general practice, maternal health, and mental health support for the Aboriginal community in Broome. | https://www.brams.org.au/ |
Beagle Bay Health Service | Provides healthcare services like general practice, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal people in Beagle Bay. | https://kams.org.au/kamsc-services/remote/beagle-bay-health-centre/ |
Bidyadanga Health Centre | Offers general medical services, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management to the Aboriginal community in Bidyadanga. | https://kams.org.au/kamsc-services/remote/bidyadanga-health-centre/ |
Milliya Rumurra Aboriginal Corporation | It focuses on delivering holistic health services to Aboriginal communities, including mental health and primary healthcare. | https://www.milliyarumurru.org/ |
Kimberley Renal Services | Provides essential dialysis and renal health services for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region. | https://www.purplehouse.org.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Wirraka Maya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation | Provides comprehensive healthcare, including general practice, mental health, and maternal health support. | https://wmhsac.com/ |
Mawarnkarra Health Service | Offers various healthcare services, including primary care, maternal health, and chronic disease management. | https://www.mawarnkarrahealthservice.org.au/ |
Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service | Delivers healthcare services such as general practice, mental health, and maternal and child health support. | https://www.puntukurnu.com.au/ |
Pilbara Aboriginal Health Alliance | Collaborates with health providers to deliver integrated healthcare, focusing on chronic disease and health promotion in Pilbara's remote areas. | https://paha.org.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Ngaanyatjarra Health Service | Provides comprehensive healthcare services, including chronic disease management and maternal health programs for Aboriginal people in remote communities of the Central Desert. | http://www.nghealth.org.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service | Provides primary healthcare, dental services, mental health support, and chronic disease management for the Aboriginal communities in the Mid West and Gascoyne regions. | https://www.grams.asn.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Ngangganawili Aboriginal Health Service | Provides primary healthcare, mental health support, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal people in Wiluna. | http://www.nahs.org.au/ |
Bega Garnbirringu Health Service | Offers general medical services, dental care, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal communities in Kalgoorlie. | https://bega.org.au/ |
Spinifex Health Service | Delivers healthcare services, including general practice, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management for remote communities. | https://www.spinifexhealth.org.au/ |
Ngangganawili Aboriginal Health Service | Provides primary healthcare, mental health support, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal people in Wiluna. | http://www.nahs.org.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service | It offers a wide range of healthcare services, including general practice, mental health, chronic disease management, and dental care, in various locations in Perth. | http://www.derbarlyerrigan.com.au/ |
Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation | Provides culturally appropriate healthcare services, including mental health, chronic disease management, and community wellness programs for Aboriginal people in Perth. | https://www.moorditjkoort.com.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
South West Aboriginal Medical Service | Delivers comprehensive healthcare services, including general medical care, maternal and child health, and chronic disease management for Aboriginal communities in Bunbury and surrounding areas. | https://www.swams.com.au/ |
Service | Description | Website |
Disability Services Commission (WA) | Provides disability support services in regional and remote areas of Western Australia, with a focus on Aboriginal people and culturally appropriate services. | https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-communities/disability-services |
Purple House | Delivers dialysis services and disability support to remote Indigenous communities in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. | https://www.purplehouse.org.au/ |
First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) | An Aboriginal-run organisation advocating for the rights and needs of Aboriginal people with disabilities, including those in regional and remote WA. | https://fpdn.org.au/ |
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) | Provides health and disability support services across regional and remote Western Australia, including tailored services for Aboriginal communities. | https://wacountry.health.wa.gov.au/Our-services |
Service | Description | Website |
Lifeline | Crisis support and suicide prevention. Call: 13 11 14 or Text: 0477 13 11 14 | https://www.lifeline.org.au/ |
13YARN | The first national crisis support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, providing 24/7 crisis support. Call: 13 92 76 | https://13yarn.org.au/ |
Beyond Blue | Support for people experiencing anxiety and depression. Call: 1300 22 4636 | https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ |
PANDA | Supports families experiencing perinatal anxiety and depression. Call: 1300 726 306 | https://www.panda.org.au/ |
Suicide Call Back Service | 24/7 support for those feeling suicidal. Call: 1300 659 467 | https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/ |
Head to Health | Provides advice, assessment, and referrals to mental health services. Call: 1800 595 212 | https://www.headtohealth.gov.au/ |
Cool Kids | A structured, skills-based program that teaches children (including teenagers) and their parents how to manage anxiety better. It focuses on practical skills through participation. | http://www.coolkidsprogram.com.au |
FRIENDS | A program that helps children and teenagers manage fear, worry, and depression by building resilience and self-esteem. It teaches cognitive and emotional skills. | https://friendsresilience.org/about |
Service | Description | Website |
Our Mob and Cancer (Treatment in Regional and Remote Areas) | Provides information on cancer treatment options specifically for Aboriginal people in regional and remote areas. | https://www.ourmobandcancer.gov.au/if-cancer-comes-back-or-won%27t-go-away/treatment-regional-remote |
Cancer Council WA (Regional Services) | Offers cancer support services in regional and remote areas of Western Australia, including patient transport and accommodation. | https://cancerwa.asn.au/cancer-support/get-support/regional-services/regional-wa-services/ |
Aboriginal Cancer Nurses (WA Health) | Supports Aboriginal cancer patients through culturally appropriate care, including advocacy and health navigation. | https://www.nmhs.health.wa.gov.au/Hospitals-and-Services/Services/Cancer-Network/Cancer-nurse/Aboriginal |
Canteen (Youth Cancer Services in WA) | Provides tailored | https://www.canteen.org.au/how-we-help/youth-cancer-services/WA |
Our Mob and Cancer (Treatment in Regional and Remote Areas) | Provides information on cancer treatment options specifically for Aboriginal people in regional and remote areas. | https://www.ourmobandcancer.gov.au/if-cancer-comes-back-or-won%27t-go-away/treatment-regional-remote |
Cancer Council WA (Regional Services) | Offers cancer support services in regional and remote areas of Western Australia, including patient transport and accommodation. | https://cancerwa.asn.au/cancer-support/get-support/regional-services/regional-wa-services/ |