The Birds and the BBVs

The Birds and the BBVs

AHCWA is delivering this training in partnership with Hepatitis WA and WAAC. Training funded by SHBBVP.

The Birds and the BBVs

The Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (SHBBV) Program is designed to develop policies and effective strategies, including training and health promotion, with the aim of decreasing the incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Hepatitis C in Aboriginal Communities across Western Australia.

The Birds and the BBVs is a one or two day training course which aims to bring together Aboriginal Health workers and others who work with Aboriginal people. The course increases knowledge, skills and confidence in these individuals to yarn with their clients and their communities about the importance of STI, HIV and BBV testing, identify ways to normalise the subject, and help break down the associated shame and stigma.

To find out more, click here.

Upcoming Training Dates and Venues

Where: Geraldton
When: Two Day Delivery from Tuesday 13/05/2025 – Wednesday 14/05/2025

Where: Perth Metro
When: Two Day Delivery from Tuesday 21/05/2025 – Wednesday 22/05/2025

If no upcoming training is available, please submit an Expression of Interest instead.

For more information please contact AHCWA’s Training and Development Coordinator at or call (08) 9227 1631