Immunisations save millions of lives every year worldwide. Rates of immunisation within our Aboriginal Communities are much lower than non-Aboriginal people making the risk of vaccine preventable diseases higher in an already vulnerable group of people. AHCWA’s Immunisation Training can help you to become an immunisation provider where you can assist in closing this gap in healthcare.
The course is provided over two days and includes both theory and simulated practice, delivered at an easy to follow pace. The aim is to set you up with sufficient knowledge to achieve the practical competencies back in your work place. Training is held from the Boorloo (Perth) AHCWA office or the Immunisation Educator can attend and deliver at member services. We cover topics that are outlined by the National Immunisation Education Framework for Health Professionals & the conditions listed by the Government of Western Australia, Department of Health Structured Administration and Supply Arrangements (SASA) regarding immunisation for Aboriginal Health Practitioners.