Culture Care Connect
NACCHO has been funded by the federal Department of Health to nationally coordinate the Culture Care Connect Program until 30 June 2025. This program is the first of its kind.
This funding supports:
• establishment of up to 31 community-controlled suicide prevention networks
• establishment of Community-controlled aftercare services in each network region
• jurisdictional suicide prevention planning and coordination within Affiliates
• community-controlled suicide prevention training, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health First Aid
The Culture Care Connect (CCC) program brings together key streams of suicide prevention planning, coordination, and activity across the network regions, including raising awareness, early intervention, crisis management, and aftercare services. Community Controlled Suicide Prevention Networks (CCSPN) will be established across the country. Aftercare services will also be delivered by ACCHOs participating in a CCSPN, in partnership with existing regional mental health services.
The project team are heading to Canberra for an onboarding workshop with NACCHO at the end of June. The team will be making contact with CCC programs across the state in the coming weeks to connect and identify priorities going forward.
Please reach out to us if you would like more information.
Jurisdictional Coordinator: